It’s summertime! Get out and enjoy yourself and encourage your peers, team members, and all employees to do the same.

The U.S. Travel Association shared that in 2018, we left a total of 705 million unused vacation days on the table. A whopping 52% of American employees reported having unused vacation time at the end of the previous year.

Today we are sharing some research on the value of taking a break whether that means getting outside in nature, taking a vacation, traveling, or pursuing a hobby.


You don’t have to travel far or opt into high-adventure experiences to reap the benefits of a vacation. Time outdoors, novel experiences, and some extra rest can boost the rejuvenating effects of taking a break.

Integrate some of the new experiences into your everyday life to extend the benefits of your time off. Make a habit of noticing little moments of joy each day instead of rushing past them to get the next task completed. It’s healthier for your mind and your body.

Psychology of vacations – Work Life by Atlassian


Leisure time can be the difference between burnout and engaged staff members. Staffers who participate in fun activities outside of work tend to be motivated and content, and that makes them more productive.

Instill a culture where asking for time off isn’t frowned on. Normalize not checking email on the weekend or while on vacation. Encourage team leaders to lead by example.

Why Businesses Should Take Leisure Seriously


Smart vacations lead to greater happiness and energy at work and, therefore, greater productivity, intelligence, and resilience.
Shawn Achor


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